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domingo, 12 de junio de 2016

Anarchism in current Latin America: The challenge of abandoning our crutches

Rafael Uzcátegui (member of the editorial collective of El Libertario, Venezuela)

If anarchism is forged in its fighting practises against the concrete domination, we wouldn’t be able to reflect upon the situation in Latin America without describing the socio-political movements that have occurred in these last years and how the libertarian universe has responded to these ever-changing situations.

Latin America transits the end of the so-called “progressive decade”, initiated in 1999, in which a series of governments identified as left-wing groups arrived into power through the electoral mechanism. Through this method figures like Hugo Chávez (Venezuela), Lula Da Silva (Brazil), Evo Morales (Bolivia), Daniel Ortega (Nicaragua), “Pepe” Mujica (Uruguay), Rafael Correa (Ecuador) and Nestor Kirchner (Argentina) formed a regional block that took control ofthe left-wing universe. This progressive political direction of the continent coincided with another moment in Latin America, the “years of the commodities”, which was a period of economic prosperity due to the high price of energy and mineral resources in the international markets. To give a brief idea of how lucrative this period was for Latin America as a whole; the Economic Commission of Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL) was responsible for a regional growth of 4% during the years 2004-1013, whilst the rest of the world faced economic hardship. The progressive block differentiated itself politically from the rest of the countries in the continent with more neoliberal views (México, Colombia, Chile, Perú), however they all agreed on the imposition of an economic development scheme based on extractivism and being the primary exporter for the global market. Paradoxically, it was the revitalization of international capitalism which provided the material sustenance for the promotion of these redistributive policies to the progressive governments of Latin America.  Hence, the falling price of extractivist goods coincides with the exhaustion and predictable debilitation of the governance model promoted by these progressive powers. If that weren’t enough, we must also include the social tensions which were a product of the progressive government’s failure to maintain expectations and promises, as demonstrated by the economic crisis (Venezuela, Argentina), political corruption (Brazil) and discriminatory policies, along with the criminalization of protests that have generated broad resistance movements (Bolivia, Ecuador).

This last decade of progressive governments in Latin America, instead of building alternatives to global capitalism, is also partially responsible for the Cuban state transition towards “post-fidelism”, especially following the visit of Barack Obama to the island. The deal between these two states, the Cuban and North-American, will have political, economic, social and diplomatic consequences, along with dealing a symbolic harsh blow towards the revolutionary past that has prevailed in in Cuba.
If, as proposed by Uruguayan anarchist Daniel Barret, anarchism as a movement survives and develops adequately in response to regressions throughout our time; how have we responded to the local historical variables described previously in Latin America? Our response in Latin America, in our opinion, has beenembarrassing and underwhelming.

Seditious Awakenings

It is no accident that this article references Daniel Barret, the Uruguayan anarchist that represented up until his death the best recent attempt to formulate and debate Latin American anarchism as a movement during the 21st century. Several of his texts were published under the title “The seditious awakenings of anarchism” and the majority of his annotations continue to remain relevant and widely circulated nowadays. In one of his texts he debates the resurgence of anarchist and libertarian groups across the globe, including Latin America: “If we had attempted to trace a map of South-American anarchism in any of the last 15 or 20 past years, we would have probably encountered an ever-increasingly scarce presence the more we distance ourselves from our current time”.Later on, in the chapter “Latin American movements of our times: realities and tasks” he produces an inventory to describe the state of anarchist movements between Rio Grande and Patagonia. What he found out during his research was that these movements experienced significant growth during recent years, hence why “only a small percentage of these movements can reclaim an origin dating back to the 80s”. Similarly, there are many diverse groups and categories within the current anarchist movement in Latin America: anarchopunks, anarcho-syndicalists, insurrectionists, anarcho-indigenous, ecologists, feminists, anti-militants and “the rest of the colours of the libertarian rainbow of our current age”, none of which, honestly, could be presented as the dominant group. “The breakup of the anarchist movement in Latin America must be interpreted as a consequence of our empty circumstantial paradigm, taking into account processes of sociocultural fragmentation that overflow us”.

One of the main characteristics of current anarchist movements is their diversity, which is located in many areas of Latin America. This diversity provides an excellent opportunity toeducate the masses on current topics, like the complexity of contemporary capitalism. Given these optimal factors for anarchism to thrive we must ask ourselves: what has stopped the creation of social networks between Latin American libertarians? Daniel Barret responds to this by arguing that “It’s probable that the answers must searched in our own arsenal of limitations and fears: then, we will have to find exclusive anachronisms, secular distrust and sectarianism without any future; even if it exists already through the abundant experiences that give this unreal and mythical idea of postponing all approaches until the moment in which it is possible to recognize the textual reflection of our own image”. Unfortunately, only a propaganda text could affirm any other statement for Latin American anarchism.

Our debts

Even if Barret’s book was published in 2011 the majority of his complied texts belong to the period of 2002-2005 (he passed awayin 2009). After his death it is painful to recognize that nobody else has ever tried proposing ideas in regards to how the anarchist movement in Latin America should be formed, how it should respond to its diversity or how it should face current dilemmas and future challenges. Even if there are some interesting theoretical efforts from anarchist movements; the absence of mutual support and reinvention continues exacerbating the inexistence of theoretical propositions and ideas for creating a collective anarchist group. Even regional anti-authoritarian groups have been stepping back due to their perplexity on how to respond and react to the problems discussed beforehand such as the economic extractivist project imposed by the globalization of the region; the emergency of progressive governments and, lastly, the Cuban revolution as an emancipatory paradigm for the region. These problematic factors precisely demonstrate the lack of action taken by Latin American anarchist movements throughout history. This general sense of apathy and confusion has also been particularly noticeable during recent times.

Angel Cappelletti, in his book Anarchism in Latin America (Biblioteca Ayacucho, 1990) condensed three main causes for the decay and deterioration of anarchist movements during history: The first reason would be the military coups experienced across the region, which was followed by a strong repression that dismembered most anarchist groups. Secondly, the emergence of communist parties with their “successful” revolutionary reference,materials and resources that most libertarian organizations lacked due to the support from the Soviet Union and Fidel Castro’s Cuba. Finally, the apparition of nationalist-populist groups, which were backed up by the Armed Forces. These last factors, precisely, has been mixed into the progressive phenomenon of recent years.

One of the greatest tragedies and debtsthatinternational anarchistsare responsible for –including in Latin America, was the inabilityto question the “Cuban revolution”, even during moments when the libertarian activists from the island were being persecuted, incarcerated and executed. We will never forget to remember the lack of solidarity against the repression of the libertarian movement in Cuba. It was a silence that was particularly noticeable in Latin America and our reason for this was simple: lack of critical thinking skills, as anarchism in the Latin American region was progressively colonized by an anti-imperialistic vision of national liberation fights of Marxist origin, which had La Habana as their main reference. Thus, the Cuban revolution and libertarian suppression was a “politically incorrect” topic amongst Marxist circles and consequently Latin-American anarchists didn’t even talk about what was occurring under Castro’s regime. This can be demonstrated by the lack of literature produced in the region: for instance Frank Fernández book “Anarchism in Cuba” has many editions and has been distributed to many places except Latin America! A second detail for reinforcing the taboo of the topic in our own social circles: Daniel Barret wrote extensively in regards to the Cuban Revolution, however none of his texts were ever distributed or circulatedin Latin America.

A second debt that we share was the hesitation to respond to the apparition ofnational-populist groups during the last century. Latin American anarchistssimplified most of these national-populist governments as being “fascists”, like the one of Juan Domingo Perón in Argentina. This incorrect diagnosis was a terrible strategy that generated multiple consequences for anarchist groups throughout the following years. Previously, the hegemony between Marxists during the years 1960-1988 generated a great deal of confusion, especially taking into account that during that period the Berlin Wall was destroyed, which generated optimal conditions for a libertarian resurgence in Latin America and Cuba. Therefore anarchism was in relatively good health during this period.

Therefore, despite the challenges and limitations that Barret’s analysis presents of Latin American anarchism, during the start of this century the situation for an anarchist resurgence was promising. For instance, these were times in which the apparition of an anti-globalization movements emerged, which were values shared amongst many other social movements: “The most complex and diverse problems that affected these social movements –during a relatively long period, which felt endless- were eventually overcomeand the morale of the revolt grew. Lucid and mobilized societies searched for new ways to protest, overcome oppressive barriers, they ignored the promises of the bureaucratizedleft-wing integrated within the system”, Barret wrote. However, the expansion of progressive governments neutralized the growth that autonomist anti-state movements- including anarchism- promised for Latin America through the beginning of the 21st century. Paraphrasing what the Uruguayan writer wrote, the resurgence of anarchist revolutionary change was postponed by the new institutional domination of progressive political parties.

“The Libertarian state”

If we have argued beforehand that the Cuban model of anarchism didn’t generate any shared collective responses, then what happened to the other two questions raised? Progressive governments furthermore facilitated the creation of capital-extractivist economic schemes, as expressed by Barret: “The process of renovation that we consider essential (…) has not created any ideas that could work as a revolutionary paradigm or a reference in which to find a group of articulated answers and resources to process ongoing problems”.

The apparition of progressive governments divided Latin American anarchism into three trends: Those who considered them as another variant type of capitalistic domination. Then there were those who were faithful to their principles and didn’t support any progressive parties but didn’t openly criticize them either. Finally, there were also the anarchist sectors colonized by Marxism under the logic of focusing on the “bigger enemy”(the North-American government). This last trend, in an attempt to try to take advantage of the glory years of progressivism, was a strategy of conformation of popular “left-wing” fronts, promoting the flag of “popular power” by creating a new anarchist group associated with adjectives like “organized” and “classist”. However, detailing the exact reasons why a sector of anarchism would support governments, armed authoritarian organizations and asked their members to vote would take us an entire article to write.

What is certain is that the lack of common references, exacerbated by the progressive decade, also prevented a coherent collective anarchist response to the expansion of extractivist capitalism in the Latin American region. Thus, the progressive policies had supposedly recovered regulatory capacities and attraction of capital by being the main promoters of extractivist activities, which created favourable conditions for foreign investment. It was then that it was assumed by everyone that the extractivist policies conducted by the progressive parties were “benevolent” because 1) The sovereignty of the states had to be strengthened and protected at all costs; 2) Under the argument of the construction of a multipolar world”, all investments that didn’t have the American flag were welcomed and 3) The money from the extractivist revenue allowed the development of redistributive policies to solve poverty.

Possibilities and Horizons

Other than the diaspora of anarchist practises, we currently find in Latin America the development of what we denominate as “extramural anarchists” –groups and individuals that work under libertarian practises without recognizingtheirselves as anarchists- who belong to the autonomist movement whose main reference is the ‘Zapatista’ experience in Mexico. The groups identified under this category have generated a series of reflections under the label “Beyond the State and Capital”, whose connections to anarchists vary depending on the country, however we can all learn and contribute through this.

Factors and current events like the inevitable implementation of capitalism in the Cuban state through the Cuban thaw with the United Stes, the absence of progressivism in power, new domination methods of globalized capitalism, offer the same conditions for the leadership of libertarian ideas that were formulated previously in Europe during the fall of the Berlin Wall. We come back to the potential scenarios described by Barret: “It is the fusion of thesenew theoretical productions, these new forms of organization, these practises adjusted to the requirements of our time and this recuperation of leadership in the social fighting spaces which constitute this new revolutionary paradigm which we are now required to build”.

The challenges are as big as the possibilities. Paraphrasing Daniel Barret: Can somebody sustain that changes are not fundamental and that they don’t oblige us to form a re-categorization of the theoretical-ideological concept of classic anarchism?”Indeed, we must abandon our crutches –from Marxism and intellectual apathy- and venture ourselves to walk with our own feet.

Translated by Pietro Casati (

The original text in Spanish is available at

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@kRata (comic) `Sabino Romero 10deLuluncoto 18 años El Libertario 1º de Mayo 27 de febrero 4 de febrero Aana Wainjirawa abajo los muros de las prisiones Abdicación del rey de España abolicionismo Aborto abstencion Abstención abstención electoral abuso militar en Venezuela abuso policial abuso sexual niños Academia Nacional de la Ingeniería y el Hábitat acampada Acampadas acción directa anarquista Acción Directa Autogestiva Accion directa no violenta Acción Ecológica Acción Libertaria actividades activismo actualidad del anarquismo Acuerdo Venezuela China adecos chavistas agresiones en Venezuela agresiones a sindicalistas en Venezuela agroecología Agustín García Calvo Alan Furth Alan Moore Albert Camus Alberto Acosta Alcedo Mora Alejandro Álvarez Alentuy Alexander Luzardo Alfonso "el Set@" Alfredo Bonanno Alfredo Vallota Alí Moshiri Alí Primera Alí Rodríguez Araque alternativa Alternativa Antimilitarista Alto costo de la vida Alvaro García Linera Amador Fernández-Savater América Latina Américo Alejandro Balbuena Aministía Internacional Amnistía Internacional Amnistía Internacional Venezuela Amor amor libre Amor y Rabia análisis análisis anarquista sobre Venezuela análisis asamblea nacional análisis conflicto con Colombia análisis de izquierda Venezuela análisis de la revolución bolivariana análisis económico análisis reformas en Cuba análisis sobre Venezuela anarchico anarchism anarchism kurdistan anarchism venezuela anarcofeminismo anarcopunk venezuela anarquismo a la venezolana anarquismo básico anarquismo caracas Anarquismo en América Latina anarquismo en Argentina anarquismo en barquisimeto anarquismo en Francia Anarquismo en México anarquismo en Perú anarquismo en rusia anarquismo en Uruguay Anarquismo en Venezuela Anarquismo es movimiento anarquismo hoy anarquismo ilegalista Anarquismo social anarquismo suiza anarquismo venezuela anarquismo vs. Estado anarquismo y cárceles anarquismo y comunicación anarquismo y derecho anarquismo y ecología anarquismo y educación anarquismo y literatura anarquismo y luchas sociales anarquismo y marxismo anarquismo y nacionalismo anarquismo y planificación urbana Anarquismo y política Anarquismo y Postestructuralismo anarquismo y religión anarquismo y violencia anarquismo zulia anarquistas anarquistas caracas Anarquistas contra el muro anarquistas de Alemania anarquistas de Brasil anarquistas de Chile anarquistas de Cuba anarquistas de México Anarquistas de Temuco anarquistas de Turquía anarquistas en Bolivia anarquistas en Colombia anarquistas en Costa Rica anarquistas en Cuba anarquistas en El Salvador anarquistas en Paraguay anarquistas en Venezuela anarquistas presos anarquistas solidarios con los yukpa anarquistas ucv anarquistas y prisiones Andreas Speck Ángel Cappelletti anonymous venezuela antiimperialismo antimilitarismo antimilitarismo anarquista Antonio Ledezma Antonio Pasquali Antonio Serrano antropología Antulio Rosales Anzoátegui apagones apoyo a El Libertario apoyo internacional al chavismo apoyo internacional al madurismo APPO Archivo Histórico del Anarquismo en Venezuela armamentismo Armando Chaguaceda Armando Guerra Armando Investiga Armando la Resistencia arte callejero arte y anarquismo artistas asesinato de estudiantes asesinatos de manifestantes Asier Guridi Asilo y refugio ataques contra defensores de derechos humanos ataques contra defensores de derechos humanos en Venezuela ataques contra el movimiento anarquista ataques contra el movimiento popular en Venezuela ataques libertad de expresión autodefensa autogestion autogestión Autonomía autonomía de los movimientos sociales autonomía universitaria autoritarismo burocratico en Cuba Barquisimeto Bernhard Heidbreder biblioteca anarquista bicentenario bakunin bicicletas biciescuela urbana bienes comunes brutalidad policial Buenaventura Durruti Buenos Aires calentamiento global Cambiar el mundo sin tomar el poder Cambio Climático cambio social Campaña contra la Criminalización del Anarquismo capitalismo y medio ambiente caracas Carlos Crespo Carlos Crespo Flores Carmen García Guadilla Casa de la Mujer "Juana la Avanzadora" de Maracay Casa de la Mujer Juana la Avanzadora de Maracay Centro de Derechos Humanos UCAB chavismo y religiosidad popular chile ciberactivismo ciclismo urbano ciclo guerrilla urbana ciencia y tecnología en Venezuela Civetchi CNT Coalicion Anarquista y Libertaria de Porto Alegre Coalición Venezolana de Organizaciones LGBTI Colombia comercio de armas comic comics comida vegetariana Comitê Popular da Copa 2014 Comites de Defensa de la Revolución compra de armas concretera caracas concretera de chuao Concretera la carlota conflicto universitario conflicto yukpa consecuencias ambientales explotación petrolera en Venezuela contaminación ambiental contaminación PDVSA Cooperativismo cooptación de movimientos sociales cooptación medios alternativos Venezuela CORPOELEC Correo A coyuntura mexicana 2012 coyuntura venezolana 2010 coyuntura venezolana 2012 coyuntura venezolana 2013 coyuntura venezolana 2014 coyuntura venezolana 2015 coyuntura venezolana 2016 criminalización de la protesta en Colombia criminalización de la protesta en Venezuela Criminalización de los pueblos indígenas crisis agropecuaria en Venezuela crisis económica en Venezuela crisis economica venezuela crítica anarquista al marxismo crítica de izquierda al chavismo críticas de izquierda al madurismo críticas revolucionarias a Rafael Ramírez Cuba Libertaria Cuba Libertaria 22 Daniel Ortega Daniel Pinos deforestación delimitación de tierras indígenas demarcación de territorios indígenas demarcación de tierras en Venezuela deporte y anarquia deporte y capitalismo derecho a la manifestación derecho a la protesta desabastecimiento desaparecidos en Argentina desaparecidos en México desaparecidos en Venezuela desarrollo científico-tecnológico desencanto en el chavismo despidos injustificados detenciones difusión anarquista Douglas Bravo ecologismo ecologismo en Venezuela economía educación en Venezuela Ejército Venezolano Eliseo Reclus Emma Goldman endeudamiento Enfermedad Hugo Chávez equidad de género en Venezuela Erick Benítez Escritos de Domingo Alberto Rangel Espacio Público Estado y corrupción en Venezuela Estado y economía en Venezuela Esteban Emilio Mosonyi ética y práctica médica Europa Eva Golinger Evo Morales extractivismo EZLN falso socialismo Fanzine Exilio Interior FARC fascismo Federación Anarquista Centroamericana y Caribeña Federación Anarquista Centroamericana y del Caribe Federación Anarquista de México Federación Internacional de Derechos Humanos (FIDH) Felipe Pérez Martí Feria del libro anarquista Feria del Libro Independiente y Autogestionario Ferrominera Ferrominera Orinoco FIFA Filosofía Filosofía en la Ciudad Francisco Flaco Prada Frente Clasista Argimiro Gabaldón futbol brasil Gadafi Galsic Género Genocidio GLBIT Global Voices globalizacion en Venezuela golpe de Estado en Venezuela Grupo de Estudio y Trabajo Jesús Alberto Márquez Finol Guardia Nacional Bolivariana Guardianas de Chávez Gustavo Godoy Gustavo Rodríguez hacktivismo Heinz Dieterich Henrique Capriles hiperinflación Historia de Venezuela historia del anarquismo homicidios Homofobia Humano Derecho Humberto Decarli Humberto Márquez Humor ilustraciones imágen El Libertario indigenas ecuador indígenas en Argentina indígenas en Bolivia indígenas en Brasil indígenas en México indígenas en Perú indigenas en venezuela indígenas en Venezuela indígenas presos en Venezuela Indígenas Venezuela indìgenas y revolución bolivariana individualismo y anarquismo industria forestal en Chile industria petrolera inflación en Venezuela informática libertaria Informe situación indígenas en Venezuela Inseguridad Ciudadana en Venezuela Instituto de Prensa y Sociedad Venezuela Irak Iris Varela Isbel Díaz Torres Israel izquierda antiautoritaria en Cuba izquierda antichavista izquierda en Venezuela James C. Scott Javier Gárate John Holloway Jorell Meléndez Jorge Videla jornadas de diversidad sexual Jornadas Magonistas Jose Manuel Delmoral Jose María Korta José María Korta José Quintero Weir José Rafael López Padrino Juan Carlos La Rosa la Justicia y los Derechos Humanos Laura Vicente LEEME CARACAS legado del chavismo Lexys Rendón Ley Antiterrorista Liber Forti Líber Forti liberacion animal liberación animal liberación humana libertad a los presos anarquistas libertad Bernhard Heidbreder libertad de expresión libertad de expresión en Venezuela libertad para detenidos en Lulea los Salarios y los Sindicatos lucha indígena en Colombia lucha indígena en Venezuela lucha revolucionaria lucha socio-ambiental luchas ambientales Venezuela luchas de los pueblos indígenas luchas de los trabajadores luchas de los trabajadores Venezuela luchas de mujeres luchas estudiantiles luchas indígenas en Venezuela luchas obreras luchas populares en Venezuela luciano pitronello Luis Carlos Díaz Luis Fuenmayor Toro Luis Rafael Escobar Ugas Luis Reyes Reyes Madres de Plaza de Mayo Madrid madurismo maestros manifestaciones manifestaciones en Venezuela manipulación mediática manipulación religiosa Manuales Manuel Castells Marc Saint-Upéry Marcela Masperó Marea Socialista María Esperanza Hermida Mario Antonio López mario gonzalez masa crítica Masacre de Cantaura Masacre de El Amparo Masacre de Haximú Masacre de Loma de León Masacre de Monte Oscuro masacre de San Vicente Masacre de Uribana medio ambiente medios comunitarios y alternativos de Venezuela medios de transporte alternativos megaminería Mercosur Mérida Mijaíl Martínez minería mineria en Venezuela minería en Venezuela Misiones Sociales MOC movilizacion en la planta muerte de neonatos en Venezuela mujeres anarquistas Mujeres Libres Mundial de Fútbol 2014 narcotráfico neoliberalismo Nicaragua nicolas maduro Nicolás Maduro Niñas y Adolescentes no a la concretera no a la extradicion de Bernhard Heidbreder no a las corridas de toros Nu-Sol objeción de conciencia Observatorio Venezolano de Conflictividad Social Occupy Wall Street Octavio Alberola organizacion nelson garrido Organización Nelson Garrido Origen de las Fuerzas Armadas en Venezuela Orlando Chirino Pablo Hernández Parra Paquete económico paramilitarismo paro universitario Parque Verde La Carlota patriarcado patriotismo Pedro Pablo Peñaloza Pelao Carvallo pelea de almohadas periódico anarquista Periódico Apoyo Mutuo periodico Bandera Negra periódico CNT Periódico El Amanecer Periódico El Libertario periódicos petróleo venezolano Picnic urbano poder y política en Latinoamérica poder y política en Venezuela poesía libertaria polarización en Venezuela Policía Nacional Bolivariana policías corruptos en Venezuela práctica anarquista prensa anarquista preso anarquista presos anarquistas presos políticos en Venezuela prision venezuela prisiones en venezuela proceso bolivariano producción agrícola protesta creativa protesta pacífica protestas contra el Mundial 2014 protestas en venezuela proyecto de reforma de la Ley de Conscripción y Alistamiento Militar pueblos originarios pugnas internas del chavismo Punk Latinoamericano punk veneziuela Quiteria Franco Rafael Ramírez Rafael Uzcátegui Raisa Urribarri Ramón Álvarez Ramón Carrizales Ramón Rodríguez Chacín Raúl Zibechi rebelion en venezuela recursos Red Latinoamericana Antimilitarista red Observatorio Crítico Red por los Derechos Humanos de Niños Red Protagónica Observatorio Crítico (OC) de la Revolución Cubana Regeneración Radio relaciones Cuba-EE.UU. relaciones de Venezuela con China relaciones de Venezuela con Colombia relaciones de Venezuela con Cuba relaciones de Venezuela con U$A relaciones entre la banca y chávez represión represión antianarquista represión en Colombia Represión en Cuba represion en Venezuela represión en Venezuela represión policial represion policial en Venezuela Repsol YPF resistencia indígena resistencia venezuela revista AL MARGEN revolución bolivariana Revolución ciudadana robert serra Roberto Yépez Rodolfo Montes de Oca Rodolfo Rico Roger Cordero Lara Rubén González Rubèn González Rusia Sacudón salario en venezuela salario mínimo en Venezuela San Cristóbal sanciones sancocho Santiago de Chile secuestro seguridad industrial semana pro presos anarquistas 2014 Servicio Militar Obligatorio sexismo sexualidad libre sicariato Sidor Sierra de Perijá Simón Rodríguez Porras sindicalismo situación agraria latinoamericana situación de la salud situación de los trabajadores en Venezuela situación del periodismo en Venezuela situación del sindicalismo en Argentina situación del sindicalismo en Venezuela situación político-social en Brasil situación político-social en la península ibérica situación político-social mexicana situación venezolana situation in Venezuela 2014 soberanía alimentaria en Venezuela Soberanía energética bolivariana Sociedad Homo et Natura Sociedad Homoetnatura Sofía Comuniello Sofía Esteves software libre solidaridad con Cuba Subcomandante Marcos Taller Libertario Alfredo López Tamoa Calzadilla Tarek William Saab tercerización en Venezuela terrorismo terrorismo cotidiano terrorismo de Estado en Colombia Testimonio represión Testimonios de la revolución cubana Todo por Hacer toma yukpa del TSJ Tomás Ibáñez torturas en Venezuela totalitarismo Trabajadores de la Chrysler trabajadores del Estado trabajadores en Argentina Transexuales Transfobia Transformando información en acción transición transnacionales chinas Transparencia Venezuela Transportes Camila Trasnacionales Tribunal Supremo de Justicia turquia Turquía tweets anarquistas Twitter UBV UCV ULA UNETE UNEY universidad central de venezuela Uribana Uruguay utopía Valles del Tuy Vaticano vegetarianismo Venevisión venezuela Venezuela bolivariana Venezuela protests in February 2014 Víctor Muñoz vidas anarquistas viento sin fronteras vigilia frente al TSJ violaciones a los derechos humanos violencia contra la mujer violencia contra niños Vivienda Vladimir Aguilar Williams Sanguino Wladimir Pérez Yaracuy Yendri Sánchez Zaida García Zapatistas Zara zona temporalmente autónoma Zulia