martes, 7 de julio de 2015

Campaign to raise funds for the printing of the book: Crosscurrent: the history of the anarchist movement in Venezuela (1811-1998)

Since Bookseller LaMalatesta and the newspaper El Libertario, we are raising funds for the printing of the book "Crosscurrent: the history of the anarchist movement in Venezuela (1811-1998)" by Rodolfo Montes de Oca.

This book provides an investigation of 10 years on the path of libertarian ideas in the country; unexplored connections with leading political figures in the country, the silhouette of their agitators and their rebellious actions. Since the Supreme Junta of Caracas to the emergence of the "Bolivarian" model, this paper goes through each of the stages of Venezuela where anarchists articulated Republican efforts to make its mark of freedom in a country that spent rapidly in the rural economy to oil dependency.

This detailed and rigorous systematization of facts and figures intended to complicate the Manichean view that has prevailed on this Latin American country, showing its historical development from a different point outside the state and its institutions. It is for this reason that this book is a novel hagiography on Unruly yesterday to inspire today iconoclasts. Exciting mix of political, legal and documentary analysis, a research that will influence what you thought about the contemporary history of Venezuela.

If you are interested in working with printing and distribution you can deposit in the following account:

LaMalatesta CB.
Banco Sabadell.
IBAN: ES70 0081 1383 1400 0115 8616

You can also collaborate through Paypal:

After depositing you can contact us for the following email:  /

Here we leave the video edited for fundraising:

For more information: 

Telephone: 915391007


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